enovOcean broadens its range towards offshore operations with weather alerts
Published : 16/06/2021
Terms : Announcement,enovOcean,Weather alerts
No work tomorrow ? You can check the weather forecast every hour or you can be smarter and set up a weather alert. If you can’t work with waves above 1.3 m, or when the wind speed exceeds 9m/s, you will appreciate the possibility to define very precise thresholds that will trigger a warning sent to you by email.
The weather alerts have just been added to the enovOcean professional marine weather platform. Click on any point in the world and you can get a weather forecast report or set up a weather alert, on any one of the 60 parameters available on the platform (including rogue waves).
The access to https://www.enovocean.com/ is free and the alerts are available on a pay per use basis.