NOVELTIS has launched!
Published: 09/11/2020
Tags: Announcement
NOVELTIS has just launched enovOcean, its new marine weather forecast e-platform. It is targeted mainly towards professionals, however it is very attractive practical and user-friendly.

enovOcean provides a worldwide vision on more than 60 metocean parameters, part of which are unique and accessible through the Premium e-shop. These exclusive indicators are for instance :
- forecasts of crossed seas and steep seas
- forecasts of rogue waves and extreme waves
- fine-scale marine weather forecasting (15 km to 3.5 km resolution)
- comparison of the main models between themselves and with buoys and satellite data.
- Potential of tidal currents for the renewable marine energies
- …
enovOcean is useful for a multitude of sectors like shipping, cruises, yachting, offshore wind farms, offshore operations and maintenance, marine insurances, marine energies, fishing, etc.