The Weather Downtime Service developed by NOVELTIS
Published : 08/04/2021
Terms : Announcement
« Weather Downtime » or « Weather Standby » is defined as the time during which it is not going to be possible to work due to the metocean conditions depending thresholds defined for each task or each piece of equipment.
The Weather Downtime service developed by NOVELTIS allows managing a full offshore project, mixing phases of heavy lift and commissionning on the ground, periods of work at sea ( drilling, anchoring…) and phases of maritime transport or towage.

It can be used in 3 different ways :
- Either to determine the starting date that will provide the shortest possible project duration ;
- Or, if a date stands already, to calculate the probable duration of the whole project, according to which quantile is most appropriate : P50, P75 , P90…
The navigation module allows for a variety of settings :
- To set the vessel speed as a function of the wave HS ;
- To set the operational thresholds as a function of wave HS and period and as a function of the angle of waves to the vessel’s heading ;
The data used are time series from global models or of local high resolution models if the particular location of the site requires it.
A third way to use the Weather Downtime tool is to feed it with forecast data instead of historical data. Hence it can tell how much work is going to be done in the coming week, given the latest weather forecast. All tasks are updated and the completion date is easy to read.
Task duration within a Gantt graph

Project duration according to the quantiles

Project duration according to the starting month