NOVELTIS, leader in renewable energy studies at enerGaia in Montpellier
Published : 06/12/2022
Terms : forecasts,Metocean,Renewable,solar,weather alert
NOVELTIS confirms its position among the leaders in renewable energy studies at enerGaia in Montpellier.
NOVELTIS is present at the major renewable energy event enerGaia, on December 7 and 8 2022. Thanks to its perfect mastery of satellite data and modelling, NOVELTIS has become a recognised supplier of crucial data for offshore wind and photovoltaic farms.
For offshore wind industry, NOVELTIS notably offers metocean design studies that allow for the proper dimensioning of floating structures. These studies take into account data from numerical models which are reanalysed over 30 years in order to determine the maximum values of wind, waves and currents that the floats and anchors of future wind farms will face. The extreme values are calculated for return periods of 50, 100, 500 years… or even more, in order to be prepared for any eventuality. The correlation between wind and waves is also considered. The aim is to provide key data to Engineering Departments so that offshore wind turbines can withstand the worst possible storms and wear due to structural fatigue.
For photovoltaic farms, NOVELTIS offers irradiation forecasts to better manage storage or grid injection, as well as solar power plant monitoring, which eliminates the need for pyranometers to confirm that all the available sunlight has been converted into electricity. Solar forecasts allow for a more efficient management of power plants by planning storage, resale, maintenance, etc.
We are happy to welcome you on stand D48 in Hall B2, to discuss your projects and to show you some tools live.